Grade 7: Coral Reefs
How are human activities affecting coral reefs in Kaneohe Bay and what can we do to Hōʻihi (Respect) the bay and promote sustainability?
Value: Hōʻihi (Respect)
Grade 6: Conservation
How has technology changed the way we consume and dispose of products, and what can we do to reduce waste and hoʻōla (heal) our ahupua’a?
Values: Hoʻōla (To [……]
Grade 5: Stream Communities
How is lokahi (balance) among native stream plants and animals affected by human activities and what can we do to care for the stream community.
Grade 4: Our Ahupua’a
How do Hawaiian practices nurture a healthy relationship to the aina, and how can we give back to the aina today??
Laulima (Cooperating);
Mālama (Caring)
Grade 3: Wetlands
How do our wetlands help our community, and how can we Kōkua (Help) to preserve them?
Kōkua (Helping; assisting)
Wondering About Wetlands