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E Holomua!
He mau mana`o e holomua ai ka hana…
speaks to the need to continue to make improvements in work and life.
to progress, advance, improve, surpass, go ahead, to be successful.
2021 has definitely taught us many life lessons as it relates to patience, resiliency, and humility. Life at the pond has been very quiet to say the least, but overall very fruitful! We’ve seen more native birds come back to the pond, the `āina has had time to restore itself, and progression is happening in its natural environment.
We holomua as a Ohana, a community, and as a state during this uncertain time. We hold on to the idea that as a lāhui, we can overcome and advance this wā (period of time), collectively through perseverance and lōkahi (unity). We cannot do this alone. Nature has shown us this time and time again.

Roz oversees operations and management of Waikalua Loko I`a with the focus being on revitalization through restoration, education and youth projects that preserve our rich traditions and Hawai’ian culture. She incorporates historical perspective into all her work, making it current and relevant to persevering into the future.
Roz is passionate about working with students and community groups who visit on field trips and community volunteer days, and a mentor to those seeking cultural or work-study experience. Her BS from Chaminade University of Honolulu is in Criminal Justice and Psychology.
And so we are invited to heed the kāhea (call) for us to be respectful of place, each other, and truly malama our `āina. It is the `āi / na (that which feeds us) that nourishes our body and restores our health. Waikalua is a place of rejuvenation to those who come for kau (respite), hana (work), and/ or mālama (to preserve) through cultural and conservation protocols specific to environment. Waikalua is not just a place, but it is `ike Kūpuna (the wisdom of our ancestors), that through our naʻau we intuitively renew our sense of place. While we’ve been without volunteers during the pandemic, we have still been fortunate to work at the pond on the weekends, on native limu cultivation, invasive mangrove removal, Kuapā (rock wall) restoration, and water remediation with native Hawaiian oysters.
As a result of the pandemic, we have incorporated virtual platforms to help us kāko`o (support) our ability to provide an asynchronous opportunity to educate our haumana (student) about the pond. It is the integration of cultural wisdom, fused with contemporary knowledge, which paves the way and allows us to bridge the gap for our keiki. June 20th, is in the time of Kāne or summer solstice; a season of hope, change, clarity, and progress.
As such, we anticipate hosting a “blended” kahua kau wela (summer camp): Na Maka o Ka I`a . Forty haumana will be able to experience a truly `āina based learning platform. This community school experience will focus on kilo (observation using all senses), STEM, hydroponics, Pō Mahina (moon phases). This immersive blend of cultural-`āina based learning and contemporary empirical observation will hopefully contribute to seeding the future leaders of our Lāhui!
Mahalo e na `aumakua a me Kūpuna! E ola!
Rosalyn Dias Concepcion, Alaka'i Loko I'a (Fishpond) Manager

Aloha to Principal Gay Kong!
The Mālama Ko’olaupoko, Mālama Honua Team
would like to recognize our beloved Keolu Elementary Principal,
Gay Kong,
on her retirement
from the Hawaii Department of Education!
We'll miss you Gay!

The Mālama students at Keolu honored Principal Kong with an ‘oli!
Walt Keale presented Principal Kong with a specially made papaku'i 'ai (board and stone) in appreciation of her outstanding support and leadership over the years.
We'll miss you Gay!

MAHALO to Aunty Gerry (aka Geraldine “Gerry” Yeehoy) for our storytime on May 20!
She read the story “Humu: The Little Fish Who Wished Away His Colors” by Kimberly A. Jackson and illustrated by Yuko Green, about a shy fish who learned to appreciate himself just the way he is.
Aunty Gerry is a retired teacher, has served with the Waimānalo Head Start Pre+ Program, and has been a member of the Hawaii State Department of Human Service’s Foster Grandparent Program since 2013. She has also served with the Waimānalo Head Start Pre+ Program.

Mālama Ko‘olaupoko Mālama Honua
Afterschool Program

The ʻOhana Corner
We hope to encourage and equip you to help your child succeed -- not just at school, but for life.
Hawaiian Phrase of the Month
`A`ohe lokomaika`i i nele i ke pâna`i.
No kind deed has ever lacked its reward.

A Message to Parents
Think about all of the important things you do every day for your family.
You are exactly the parent your children need you to be right now.
Mahalo to Head Start for this message of encouragement and advice.
Mālama ‘Āina
Summer has arrived but usually summer brings higher electricity usage!
Reducing our energy use is an important part of reducing the effects of climate change and conserving our earth.
Electricity use during the summer is mostly due to the high use of air conditioning and other cooling systems. Here are some tips to reduce our electricity use during these hot months:
- Maintain your air conditioners and fans. Gently removing dust from the moving parts and vents can help them work more efficiently.
- Change the filters on fans and AC units. Clogged filters reduce air flow and make the units have to work harder, using more electricity.
- Close your blinds or curtains. This will help to reduce the heat in your home without using electricity.
- Minimize oven use. Conventional ovens create a lot of heat while microwaves or slow cookers can keep your kitchen cooler. Better yet, barbeque outside!
- Wash your clothing more efficiently. Washers and dryers can generate a lot of heat - use cold water cycles and no heat drying or hang dry whenever possible.
Lessons Learned/Tips for a Successful 2021
Our lead teachers had a chance to reflect on the past school year and summarize lessons learned moving forward.
Here's what they've told us!

Donna Okita, Olomana School
This has been one amazing year! For me I’ve learned to keep it simple.
Lily Utai, Blanche Pope Elementary School
Stay connected to yourself and believe in yourself -
Jodi Beaty, Waimānalo Elementary and Intermediate School
The biggest thing is connections…connections with families not just keiki
Lehua Coloma, Puohala Elementary School
More really stepping it up and making sure that our keiki, families and kupuna really felt that Aloha.
Melanie Loo, Mālama Honua Public Charter School
This year we learned it was important to take care of our kumu so they could provide for our haumāna.
Tahra Hussey, Mālama Honua Public Charter School
This year was really adapting to the kids’ needs.
Nikki Morishige, Waiāhole Elementary School
Being ready for change anytime it happens and being up for the challenge. I am so excited about continuing, remembering how strong we are and that we can do this.
Tiana Wong, Blanche Pope Elementary
Being creative and more patient with technology. Coming up with ideas to keep our littles entertained and wanting to still come back .
Melanie Loo, Mālama Honua Public Charter School
This year we learned it was important to take care of our kumu so they could provide for our haumāna
Dawn Fraser, Kailua High School
More patience with other people and myself

Buttery Raspberry Lemon Cake
1 cup butter, softened
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
3 large eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup plain low-fat yogurt
1/2 cup low-fat milk
1/4 cup lemon curd
2 1/2 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
4 3/4 cups raspberries (about 18 oz.)
Powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 325°. Butter a 9- by 13-in. baking pan. In a large bowl with a mixer on medium speed, beat butter and granulated sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs, salt, vanilla, yogurt, milk, and lemon curd until mostly blended.
Add flour, baking soda, and baking powder to bowl and beat until smooth. Spread half of batter in pan and scatter half of raspberries on top. Gently spread remaining batter over berries. Scatter remaining berries on top.
Bake until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, about 1 hour; if cake begins to brown
too quickly, tent with foil. Let cake cool about 1 hour, then dust lightly with powdered sugar.
More info and nutrition facts at:
This Originally Appeared On
and is now at

- Swim in designated areas with a lifeguard present.
- Always swim with a buddy.
- Avoid areas with moving water, waves or rip currents.
- Stay within your fitness and swimming capabilities.
They also provide some fun videos to teach children about water safety:
Enjoy your family beach time and don’t forget the sunscreen!
The Rent and Utlity Relief Program is available for families that have been financially affected by COVID-19.
KEY Project is here to help Windward Oahu families, from Kaneohe to Kualoa, to access federal funds to help with past due and future rent and utilities payments. Assistance can be awarded for up to 12 months per household and can include $2,000 a month for rent and $500 a month for household utility bills: electricity, sewer and water, and gas.
Households that have experienced financial hardship, to include job loss, reduction in wages, increase of expenses, falling below income limits, or at risk of losing housing, are qualified for the program. Landlords are also authorized to assist tenants with gaining access to these funds.
The Hawai‘i State Department of Education will continue their Grab-and-Go meal service during the summer through July 19. Meals will be available for all children ages 18 and younger at approximately 80 distribution sites, regardless of their enrollment status.
Next Steps College & Career Exploration Program
The University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges and Hawai‘i P-20 Partnerships for Education will once again offer the Next Steps to Your Future initiative to support Hawai‘iʻs graduating Class of 2021 public high school seniors as they transition to their post- highschool lives.
Connections to postsecondary education and training, and free Career Exploration classes from the University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges are available. Participants will also be eligible for a Next Steps Scholarship to attend a UH campus in Fall 2021.
More information here.
Hawai'i Volcanoes National Parks - Live Webcams!
Watch LIVE! The USGS Hawai'ian Volcano Observatory offers live webcams at Hawai’i Volcanoes National Parks! Check out the live panorama of Halemaʻumaʻu, lava lake, and down-dropped block from the west rim of the new summit collapse features, or visit any of Hawai'is volcanoes today, online!

45-285 Kane'ohe Bay Drive, #102
Kane'ohe, HI 96744-2366
(808) 664-3027
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Mālama 21st Century Community Learning Center is brought to you through a generous grant from the Hawaii Department of Education.