Voyaging Waʻa

Aloha Parents, Guardians, and Participants,

This is a letter informing you of the opportunity to sail the Waʻa Kalua Moʻokiha o Piʻilani from Maui to Molokaʻi on July 27th and returning to July 28, 2024. This is an exciting opportunity to engage in a volunteer activity that supports the communities of Molokaʻi. This is not part of the NALU Studies program or part of any program by its fiscal sponsor organization, the Pacific American Foundation. This is purely a volunteer activity. . As we are sailing in the waters surrounding Maui, Molokaʻi, and Lanaʻi, there are some inherent risks you need to be aware of. Please indicate your understanding of those risks and consent to participate voluntarily below.
Name of Participant(Required)
Name of parent of guardian indicating an understanding whether the participant is a minor or not.(Required)
Items that the participant should bring:

a) Sleeping bag or bedroll
b) Clothes that can get wet and a change of them
c) Rain jacket for rain and sea spray
d) Sweatshirt or sweater to keep warm
e) Sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, toothbrush
f) Towel
g) Waterproof bag to keep items dry, five gallon bucket with a lid works too
h) Water bottle, water, energy bars, and snacks
By signing below, I (or the minor under my guardianship) am (is) participating of my (his or her) own free will as a volunteer, not part of the NALU Studies or PAF programming, and I understand the risks mentioned above.